ヨーガ療法士仲間の 鬼塚 円(おにづか まどか)さんが、とても素敵な詩を作られ、クラスで紹介したところ、皆さんからホームページに載せていつでも見れるようにしてくださいとご要望がありましたので、こちらに掲載させて頂きます。
円さんは、とてもチャーミングで純粋な方。 私の大好きなヨーガ仲間の1人です。
以下 (まどかさんに了承済みです)
Every new year is an opportunity for reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. Reflecting upon the circumstances of 2011, with all the natural disasters,
nuclear disasters, and civil wars I’ve been connected to in one capacity or another, I am finding myself praying this New Year with a sense of urgency I have not had before. As my contribution to
world peace, I pray:
May I be at complete peace with all the darkness in my heart.
May I be fine with my weakness so that I do not have to pretend like I am strong.
May I be at ease with my uselessness, so that I do not have to prove how useful I can be.
May I be at home in my negativity, so that I don’t try to force others to be more positive than they feel.
May I just let my hatred be, so that I do not fan its flames to burn those around me.
May I have no problem having anxiety, jealousy, insecurity, so that I may know that my wholeness does not depend on eliminating them.
May I know with this entire being that I need nothing so that I do not try to use others to fill a void that is a delusion anyway. May I simply let go.
May I know that there is actually no real me to do anything about all these things.
May this illusion I call “me” die so that there is nothing left to do, but oh so much to be.